Hello. I'm an artist, gamer and music listener.
I hope NG is a nice place (and it really is!).
I don't think, that I'm going to post any games or movies, so maybe I'll talk on the forums, post some art, listen to some great music and play many awesome games I like!
Bye, and see you people somewhere in Newgrounds!
P.S: I have no idea why I am MangaFriend. I just put that stupid name... Now I want to be "MysteriousGreen" or "GreenApple3" =D
+ Yes, I'm a girl.
Welcome to Newgrounds!
If you want your username changed, then you can PM Wade (<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/pm/send/wadefulp">http://www.newgrounds.com/pm/send/wad efulp</a>), although he doesn't always answer.